Much is the same as presented last week at the Mining Conference but with a change of emphasis to focus on ASX Listed Companies with Queensland Flagship Projects.
They have done well 2022 YTD with their average share price up 22% compared to the ASX average of 6%. Gold Copper Oil & Gas & Coal are the dominate focus, due to higher prices for the demonised Hydrocarbons which are fundamental for so many basic humans need, responsible for that result - Plastics, Fertilisers, Clothing, Fibres, Solvents, Explosives, Tyres, the list is endless.
A war in Ukraine is quickly awaking the Europeans as to the mistake of shutting down nuclear and local gas power stations, inflation in the USA to the folly of Biden shutting down a key oil pipeline from Alaska. Here in Australia the price of petrol goes up a few cents and people have not yet joined the dots – but as a nation and here in Qld as a state if we continue to demonise hydrocarbons – we ain’t seen nothing yet!!