Austex Explorers Cash Flow Details

The AUSTEX QUARTERLY focuses on the Appendix 5B Cash Flows that are submitted by explorers & the more recent producers to the ASX. The cash flow reports are submitted by around 85-88% of all the ASX resource companies. The established producers & companies with a primary listing on the TSX are exempt.

The AUSTEX QUARTERLY includes tables of expenditure and capital raisings and loans above $1M for the quarter. The tables include production cashflows (Section A only); development/Non-Exploration investment (sections A-B only). Exploration (expensed & investment), capital raisings (sections A-F). A list of companies with less than one-quarter cash is included.

For an add on fee AUSTEX provides spreadsheets on selected expense or revenue categories all Appendix 5B reports, which currently total between 600-700. The spreadsheets also includes detail of the market cap, shares on issue, cash position. Quarters cash, commodity & location focus.

AUSTEX has a data base containing over 65,000 Summaries of the key technical facts around ASX Resource Projects, as well over 10,000 Summaries of Investor Presentations.

AUSTEX DATA is a valuable first step in the search for new Resource Project and Company investment.

AUSTEX can provide you with an excel spreadsheet of all the entries that meet your search specifications.

AUSTEX can undertake the search and filter the data based on Commodity, Geographic or Geological Province location, the status of the Project (eg grassroots, with a resource, emerging producer, production results etc). Also based on Corporate details of the holder, (eg cash, debt, exploration expenditure, capital raising.)